White Tiger open mounth formation 白虎開口局, 千萬不要把房子改成這模樣。

The ex-resident of this property was also suffered bad luck in terms of wealth immediately after moved in the house few years ago..

The gate in this sharp edge design is not ideal

Don't you think it's looks like a Tiger open it's mouth ? The owner was suffered from bad luck..

1) 理氣 = 方向的吉凶,例如門是否開在吉方或兇方,財位在哪一個方向,八字配不配宅等。
2) 巒頭 = 外在環境,如山水馬路,建築格式!如大門是不是太大?灶頭有沒有門衝等。
最近那女富商的命案我也深感遺憾與惋惜。就從她家外格局(巒頭)來看,其大門就犯了白虎開口煞! 這也是因為“門楣”太高而造成的形煞。而她家的方向(理氣)則因為沒有到現場測量,所以無法判斷。
至於大鐵門設計也欠缺理想,任何尖角或形狀古怪的設計一般風水上都稱之為形煞, 若是對準入宅大門更是不好。
In order to judge the quality of Feng Shui is good or bad will have to refer to Form Study & Formula Study.
1) Formula study, this is invisible but referring to the direction & location, involve in Feng Shui Compass and formula calculations. 2) Physical form study : this is visible like Mountain, River, Road, Exterior & Interior Structure.
The recent unfortunate incident to the successful business lady was deeply regretted, I personally respect her as she is so capable to build her own Empire by herself from nothing to multi millions. My analysis is purely from Feng Shui perspective.
From Form study : A property with the exterior structure of “White Tiger Open Mouth” is not ideal in Feng Shui, the high ceiling at the door is not able to protect the main door from any negative Qi attack.
The main gate with sharp feature is also not ideal for the Qi flow, especially when it’s pointing directly to the main door!
I have attached few photos which actually encounter problem after the resident moved in those houses…