Tuesday, August 31, 2010

八字相剋 = 打孩子解克?

Singapore News: A mother suspect her daughter’s BaZi is crash with her, has bring her bad luck! She believed to avoid bad luck is to beat & torture her daughter. Is the theory of crashed in BaZi true? The child may bring bad luck, what do you think?

新加坡聯合晚報: 有一位母親因為其女兒八字與她相剋,所以每天鞭打以及讓她挨餓。八字真的有相剋之說?有些小孩會帶財?有的小孩會帶災?你認為?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



In Buddhism, It is the month of chanting as to release ancestor’s soul, the Buddhism usually will have the respected monks to do the ceremony as to relief the soul of ancestor(超眷,超冤情债主)


From Buddhism, "Buddha & monks" have completed his Practice (not to go out often in the period from 4 month - 6 month as not to kill ants & bugs ), 7th month is time complete their good practice in mountain / temples..


Buddhism, have never mentioned the entire 7th month is ghost month but to chanting for the ancestor


This is the "Dashi Ye" that Taoist pray during this period, it origin from Taiwan but not Traditonal China..




In Confucianism, 15th of 7th month in Lunar calender is the month of Harvest, therefore it's important to pray & offering to the Ancestor but not the month of Ghost.


No matter what, 7th month is usually more accidents comparing to others mont


There are also more people migrated to Cementery during this period


Why this month must have such Sexy show ??? no one can understand, I guess the objective is to collect more money for next year "ceremony"... personally I don't really appreciate this activity.



道家正月十五稱為“上元”,舉行賜福的儀式,为感謝天宮大帝賜福的天宮誕。七月十五稱為“中元”,祭祀地官大帝、舉行中元法事以減輕亡魂的罪 孽,并希望亡魂能早日安息。十月十五稱為“下元”,祭祀水官大帝并為有過失的人解除厄運。






Lunar Calendar 7 month is the month of Ghost? Is this true? Let’s see what Buddhism, Taoism & Confucianism says :

It is the month of chanting as to release ancestor’s soul, the Buddhism usually will have the respected monks to do the ceremony as to relief the soul of ancestor(超眷,超冤情债主), at the same times also for all the souls

7th month they pray to the God of Earth, hope to release pitiful souls, in Traditional Taoist never mentioned that the entire month is full of ghost moving around.

Confucian is emphasizing very much in filial piety, respect of the elderly and ancestor. The 7th month of Lunar calendar is the month of harvest in China, therefore it’s important to pray and offering to ancestors.

Buddhism, Taoism & Confucianism have never mentioned that this month is the month of ghost, and never said that everyone must pray to the ghost with food in order to have good luck, but why most of the Taoist Chinese doing so??

Infact, the origin of this prayer is to have offering to the ancestor from Confucianism and Prayer to Earth god in Taoism. But with the kind heart, the Chinese also provide offering to others pitiful souls, this is how all this “believed” started.

As for why Hungry Ghost month must have “Sexy Singing Show”? (歌台)That is still a question that I still Puzzle..

Monday, August 23, 2010


农历七月是鬼节, 鬼很多?大家觉得这是真的吗?谁看过可以分享一下?

This month is Chinese Hungary Ghost Festival, therefore ghosts moving around during this time? What do you think? Anyone have seen the ghost can share ?






As a professional Feng Shui master, must be well verse in both Yang Feng Shui (residential) and Yin Feng Shui (Graveyard).

It’s almost one year; I was there in Nirvana Memorial Park for Teoh Beng Hock last year for a second autopsy. The “Coffin Opening开馆仪式 ” was done by Master Wong , I was there just to observe the entire flow.
I remember Teoh Beng Hock’s face during that time was still Solemn & peace, although he has already pass away 3 months, it’s really shows that he is waiting for the truth… we really hope that this case will have the good answer for him & his family.

That day, I have a chance to know Dr Pornthip and she is a very nice person, soft spoken and full of passion in her work. She was really focused in the entire process on that event last year.

Due to the sensitivity of the topic, there are many photos that I can’t share in facebook, Lastly, I really hope the case will resolved in the peace and complete manner.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Feng Shui Course Preview @ Johor Bahru !!!!

Date and Time: 19 August 2010 , 7.30 pm

Venue: 龍巖風水命理研究院, (No.33-02, Jalan Molek 1/29, Taman Molek, 81100, Johor Bahru, Johor)

Call for reservation: 07-3535366 or 012-3494313

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pavilion KL 与 金牛

PAVILION坐丑山(牛)﹐就在大廈坐山後方做一頭牛﹖難道向亥(豬) 就要在門前擺一头豬吗﹖﹖當然不是啦。。PAVILION 那只金牛與風水沒有關係﹐纯粹只是美观罷了﹗其實Pavilion最大的風水佈局就是那擺在門前的 “三碗水” 之噴水池﹗

記得在08年PAVILION 剛開不久﹐我在星洲日报寫了有关它的風水分析﹐該風水局乃 “收煞” 旺財之局。但就因为缺水而布局不够完整﹗﹗之後也曾經接過他們的電話。。。。兩年下來﹐他們終于找到名家﹐為他們設計那漂亮的 “三碗水” 噴水池﹐而且放在明堂前面了﹗

KL的朋友大家回想一下﹐自從加了那“三碗水”,人朝是不是比以往增加了許多﹖以 “中高檔” 的水準而言﹐PAVILION 生意可算是不錯了﹗當然不能與 “中下檔”的購物中心MIDVALLEY / SUNGAI WANG 相提並論。

希望下回再與大家分享Mid Valley & Sungai Wang 的風水~

The Ox sculpture behind PAVILION shopping center is definitely has nothing to do with Feng Shui, because the building is sitting on Ox direction than will have to place an Ox Sculpture there? What if facing Boar Direction? Have to place Pig at entrance??

In fact, the Feng Shui enhancement for Pavilion is the “Three Bowls” Water Fountain!

The location of Pavilion is in the very crucial land shape, no supporting mountain, in the junctions with Sha Qi! In order to transform & absorb these negative Sha Qi to wealth (要快發,收三煞!), one of the requirements is to have spacious bright hall!

I remember when Pavilion started few years ago, I have written a Feng Shui write up in Sin Chew, I mentioned the Feng Shui Plan for the entire development is consider above average in such kind of land shape, however still short of ‘Water Element” in the entire Feng Shui plan…

2 years later, they managed to get the renowned artist as to design the Liu Li Crystal Bowls design for them and place it in the right place, this has definitely boost up the Feng Shui for them. Don’t you think Pavilion crowd was increased compare to last time?

In the Middle-High end shopping centre, Pavilion is considered one of the outstanding one! We can never compare Pavilion with Middle- Low end shopping center like Sungai Wang or Mid Valley..

Hope to share about Sungai Wang & Mid Valley Feng Shui next round ~

Monday, August 2, 2010

Pavilion KL - 金牛與醜山

最近發現到PAVILION KL 後面多了一頭金牛﹗算了算因為該大廈是坐 “丑山” 。但該牛的耳朵遭到破壞﹐請問這影響了它風水嗎﹖PAVILION 這間中高檔的購物商場生意好嗎﹖

Recently I noticed there is a Golden Ox behind Pavilion KL, unfortunately the Ox ear was being sabotage & missing! Do you think this will affect Pavilion Feng Shui?

Generally how is the business in Pavilion as for middle & high end class?

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