The process of doing Shenji must in the office before going to the Graveyard

马来西亚较为常见的五色土与中国有少许不同。。水气稍微重。(夏凉)5 element soils in Malaysia

Sheng ji is not superstition but making use of DNA to accept the Earth Qi

Five element soil in Graveyard, not very pure but acceptable. it is difficult to find pure 5 element soils..

What do you think if your Sifu show your "tomb clearly written your name" to public ?
I will never do so..

5 elements soils in China with good Feng Shui in China, 五色土,冬暖夏凉。

before start must make sure the "direction is correct" 寿穴之分金,深浅与立向。

The process of making Shengji must feel yourself the "feeling inside" must have very stable & good qi.
生基穴是否“冬暖夏凉”? 自己要感受。。

Taking good direction for "internal setting" 内外分金要兼顾。

tombstone setting, 如何收山出煞?如何抽爻换象? 就在此一刻~

Taking good direction for external Qi receiving

Celeremony for Shengji ( 呼龙)

Added with some Taoist factor in Sheng ji

Some of the process

I seldom do it for young one, only special reason.. I must check the BaZi before agree to do so

Sheng ji tomb seems no difference with normal tomb but only the name written in "Red Color"

Must have good feng shui location for Shengji setting !
Good mountain range, sentimental water .... otherwise it is no point to do Sheng ji..
后来,先贤(已无法考究是哪一位)加入了道家的一些元素,让活人不需要等到死后才得“阴宅风水”之益处,而生基也就相应而生。做生基用的是活人的七宝如头发、衣物、内衣裤袜、鞋子、血液、指甲及生辰八字等,择吉并葬入风水宝地。(乃本人之DNA, 自生受益)
生基与阴宅的理论相近,条件就是要有好的风水宝地,峦头>> 要求来龙有力、龙虎相宜、有朝有案、水来有情。若有五色土,太极晕更是大吉!理气 >> 要求收山出煞、拨水入堂、分金/抽爻换象!山不刺穴,八字用神得气!简单而言就是要求大地理,好风水之真穴!若是一般普通之墓园, 或是虚花假穴效果则不大!
有人做生基为了求财、有人为了保寿元、有人为了渡过难关,实乃各有所求。 我个人很少替六十岁以下(未过甲子之人)的人做生基。若有特别情况(如重病),则看了当事人八字后才考虑是否要为事主做生基。
In the ancient China, first thing after the emperor being throne is to find a good Feng Shui place to build his own Tomb (Shengji) as to empower the dynasty & longevity.
The theory of Graveyard Yin Feng Shui is that ancestor’s bone shall receive the Qi of Heaven and Earth after buried. While the ancestor’s bone receiving good Feng Shui Qi, decedents with DNA link will then have smoother luck benefiting from that Yin Feng Shui..
As for the theory of Sheng Ji Feng Shui is to benefit the person him/herself from Graveyard Yin Feng Shui before he/ she die; In order to do so, will have to bury his/her BaZi, Blood, Clothing, Nails, shoes etc (which have the owner’s DNA connection). The location with good feng shui is one of the important key point to have this Shenji Feng Shui works!
Regardless of Yin / Shenji Feng Shui is in the basis of good Feng Shui location with 4 celestials animal mountains & sentimental water with 5 elements soils, the correct location and directions is crucial while making these Feng Shui.
Who should do Shengji Feng Shui? Someone do it because of health issues, someone do it to promote luck, and someone do it for future preparation…..
Personally I only do it mainly for customers after 60 years old. Those less than 60 with special reason (eg. serious illness) only I consider to do it for them; however I must check their BaZi before agreed to do so.
I do have customers who benefits from Shenji Feng Shui & I strongly encourage them to start with good deed after benefit from the above, this is to ensure the power of Shenji can continue further..