Friday, October 29, 2010
風水五煞 - 味煞與聲煞
鳥兒在家裡築巢= 風水好>> 對!鳥兒在家裡築巢= 風水不好 >> 也對!!
風水五煞 = 形煞,氣煞,味煞,聲煞以及光煞!鳥兒在家裡築巢容易造成風水上煞氣的問題,而其中以味煞與聲煞最為常見!
Birds making their nest in our house = Good Feng Shui >> True.
Birds making their nest in our house = Bad Feng Shui >> Also True.
Animals always have their special instinct, they sense better than human being and they will move away before the disaster came.
Birds will always choose the right place (Stable Qi) to make their nest. Therefore if birds are coming to your house for their nest is the indication that your house Feng Shui is generally not bad!
There are five type of Negative energy (Sha Qi) in Feng Shui:
1. Negative feature Sha,2. Odor Sha, 3. Noise Sha, 4.Glaring light Sha 5.Negative directional Sha .
The bird’s dropping will create “Odor Sha”, it is stink and definitely effect the Feng Shui Qi flow. The birds are also making noise in the house and that will create “Noise Sha”, it is noise pollution to the house !
Birds chosen your house for their nest “Indication” of Qi flow are harmony, but it does not mean birds bringing wealth to the owner. Bird’s nest is only the “INDICATOR” but not the “FACTOR”
It’s good to see birds making their nest in our house & we shall also remove their nest in the good manner as to avoid Odor Sha & Noise Sha.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
鳥巢 與 陽宅風水
Many people asks : Birds have their nest in the house is very anoying as the bird’s dropping is dirty!! But they have to bear with it becuase they heard people says "Birds making the nest in the house mean bringing wealth to them!!"
What do you think? True?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
White Tiger open mounth formation 白虎開口局, 千萬不要把房子改成這模樣。
The ex-resident of this property was also suffered bad luck in terms of wealth immediately after moved in the house few years ago..
1) 理氣 = 方向的吉凶,例如門是否開在吉方或兇方,財位在哪一個方向,八字配不配宅等。
2) 巒頭 = 外在環境,如山水馬路,建築格式!如大門是不是太大?灶頭有沒有門衝等。
最近那女富商的命案我也深感遺憾與惋惜。就從她家外格局(巒頭)來看,其大門就犯了白虎開口煞! 這也是因為“門楣”太高而造成的形煞。而她家的方向(理氣)則因為沒有到現場測量,所以無法判斷。
至於大鐵門設計也欠缺理想,任何尖角或形狀古怪的設計一般風水上都稱之為形煞, 若是對準入宅大門更是不好。
In order to judge the quality of Feng Shui is good or bad will have to refer to Form Study & Formula Study.
1) Formula study, this is invisible but referring to the direction & location, involve in Feng Shui Compass and formula calculations. 2) Physical form study : this is visible like Mountain, River, Road, Exterior & Interior Structure.
The recent unfortunate incident to the successful business lady was deeply regretted, I personally respect her as she is so capable to build her own Empire by herself from nothing to multi millions. My analysis is purely from Feng Shui perspective.
From Form study : A property with the exterior structure of “White Tiger Open Mouth” is not ideal in Feng Shui, the high ceiling at the door is not able to protect the main door from any negative Qi attack.
The main gate with sharp feature is also not ideal for the Qi flow, especially when it’s pointing directly to the main door!
I have attached few photos which actually encounter problem after the resident moved in those houses…
風水 - 白虎開口
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
風水界新鮮事 - 抄襲
最近有位KL的學生打電話給我,說: 老師,我看到有人抄你的文章!某某經常上電視又上電台節目的“風水師”竟然在他自己的風水專欄上抄了老師的文章!
我看了一看,原來是我在Facebook 的一些隨筆分享,盡然他也要抄?嗚呼哀哉!這“大師”還常常上電視電台,有馬來文/英文/中文節都有!風水界可真是真假難分啊~
大家在facebook “share” “分享” 我的文章我非常歡迎,但是抄襲下來當自己的專欄那就不太好了。 有學生問我要不要告他!我說啊,心寬路就廣。還是別打破他的飯碗吧~
Last week, I received a call from my student, she said : Sifu, I saw someone copied your facebook article and make it his “Column” in the Chinese Free Newspaper !
After I take a look, it was one of my simple sharing for “Face Reading” on 15/9/10, but it was being copied and published on 8/10/10 under the “Feng Shui Master’s” Column, it’s Unbelievable.
This “Feng Shui Master” is quite regular in TV, Radio & Free Chinese News Paper. He was also being invited by a Paint company for several talks I believed, sounds famous right? Unfortunately he is the type of person who “COPY & PASTE “others article in his named Column.
I am always welcome friends from Facebook to click “Share” in facebook. However Copy and Published put under his Column is definitely not the right thing to do.
My lawyer told me that I can take legal action, but I said I don’t want to do it at this moment. I think he has a family to take care too, hope he can read this & don’t do it again but to improve his own knowledge in Feng Shui & Face Reading to help his client sincerely.
Friday, October 15, 2010
These are some of the photo taken during NTV7 cooking show, this is the particular episode was invited Feng Shui Master to Cook, I am definately not good in cooking , but it was quite fun.
Luckily my friend Piao Ming from 988 was there to guide me on how to cook! Owen Yap is quite supportive on that day too!
上星期播...出的節目不知道大家有沒有看,我們幾位其實都不會煮,但這節目就是邀請不會煮的人來,那樣才好玩!我同行Ah Jane 還玩的真開心哦~
Friday, October 8, 2010
马来西亚较为常见的五色土与中国有少许不同。。水气稍微重。(夏凉)5 element soils in Malaysia
Sheng ji is not superstition but making use of DNA to accept the Earth Qi
Five element soil in Graveyard, not very pure but acceptable. it is difficult to find pure 5 element soils..
What do you think if your Sifu show your "tomb clearly written your name" to public ?
I will never do so..
5 elements soils in China with good Feng Shui in China, 五色土,冬暖夏凉。
before start must make sure the "direction is correct" 寿穴之分金,深浅与立向。
The process of making Shengji must feel yourself the "feeling inside" must have very stable & good qi.
生基穴是否“冬暖夏凉”? 自己要感受。。
Taking good direction for "internal setting" 内外分金要兼顾。
tombstone setting, 如何收山出煞?如何抽爻换象? 就在此一刻~
Taking good direction for external Qi receiving
Celeremony for Shengji ( 呼龙)
Added with some Taoist factor in Sheng ji
Some of the process
I seldom do it for young one, only special reason.. I must check the BaZi before agree to do so
Sheng ji tomb seems no difference with normal tomb but only the name written in "Red Color"
Must have good feng shui location for Shengji setting !
Good mountain range, sentimental water .... otherwise it is no point to do Sheng ji..
后来,先贤(已无法考究是哪一位)加入了道家的一些元素,让活人不需要等到死后才得“阴宅风水”之益处,而生基也就相应而生。做生基用的是活人的七宝如头发、衣物、内衣裤袜、鞋子、血液、指甲及生辰八字等,择吉并葬入风水宝地。(乃本人之DNA, 自生受益)
生基与阴宅的理论相近,条件就是要有好的风水宝地,峦头>> 要求来龙有力、龙虎相宜、有朝有案、水来有情。若有五色土,太极晕更是大吉!理气 >> 要求收山出煞、拨水入堂、分金/抽爻换象!山不刺穴,八字用神得气!简单而言就是要求大地理,好风水之真穴!若是一般普通之墓园, 或是虚花假穴效果则不大!
有人做生基为了求财、有人为了保寿元、有人为了渡过难关,实乃各有所求。 我个人很少替六十岁以下(未过甲子之人)的人做生基。若有特别情况(如重病),则看了当事人八字后才考虑是否要为事主做生基。
In the ancient China, first thing after the emperor being throne is to find a good Feng Shui place to build his own Tomb (Shengji) as to empower the dynasty & longevity.
The theory of Graveyard Yin Feng Shui is that ancestor’s bone shall receive the Qi of Heaven and Earth after buried. While the ancestor’s bone receiving good Feng Shui Qi, decedents with DNA link will then have smoother luck benefiting from that Yin Feng Shui..
As for the theory of Sheng Ji Feng Shui is to benefit the person him/herself from Graveyard Yin Feng Shui before he/ she die; In order to do so, will have to bury his/her BaZi, Blood, Clothing, Nails, shoes etc (which have the owner’s DNA connection). The location with good feng shui is one of the important key point to have this Shenji Feng Shui works!
Regardless of Yin / Shenji Feng Shui is in the basis of good Feng Shui location with 4 celestials animal mountains & sentimental water with 5 elements soils, the correct location and directions is crucial while making these Feng Shui.
Who should do Shengji Feng Shui? Someone do it because of health issues, someone do it to promote luck, and someone do it for future preparation…..
Personally I only do it mainly for customers after 60 years old. Those less than 60 with special reason (eg. serious illness) only I consider to do it for them; however I must check their BaZi before agreed to do so.
I do have customers who benefits from Shenji Feng Shui & I strongly encourage them to start with good deed after benefit from the above, this is to ensure the power of Shenji can continue further..
Sheng ji is not superstition but making use of DNA to accept the Earth Qi
Five element soil in Graveyard, not very pure but acceptable. it is difficult to find pure 5 element soils..
What do you think if your Sifu show your "tomb clearly written your name" to public ?
I will never do so..
5 elements soils in China with good Feng Shui in China, 五色土,冬暖夏凉。
before start must make sure the "direction is correct" 寿穴之分金,深浅与立向。
The process of making Shengji must feel yourself the "feeling inside" must have very stable & good qi.
生基穴是否“冬暖夏凉”? 自己要感受。。
Taking good direction for "internal setting" 内外分金要兼顾。
tombstone setting, 如何收山出煞?如何抽爻换象? 就在此一刻~
Taking good direction for external Qi receiving
Celeremony for Shengji ( 呼龙)
Added with some Taoist factor in Sheng ji
Some of the process
I seldom do it for young one, only special reason.. I must check the BaZi before agree to do so
Sheng ji tomb seems no difference with normal tomb but only the name written in "Red Color"
Must have good feng shui location for Shengji setting !
Good mountain range, sentimental water .... otherwise it is no point to do Sheng ji..
后来,先贤(已无法考究是哪一位)加入了道家的一些元素,让活人不需要等到死后才得“阴宅风水”之益处,而生基也就相应而生。做生基用的是活人的七宝如头发、衣物、内衣裤袜、鞋子、血液、指甲及生辰八字等,择吉并葬入风水宝地。(乃本人之DNA, 自生受益)
生基与阴宅的理论相近,条件就是要有好的风水宝地,峦头>> 要求来龙有力、龙虎相宜、有朝有案、水来有情。若有五色土,太极晕更是大吉!理气 >> 要求收山出煞、拨水入堂、分金/抽爻换象!山不刺穴,八字用神得气!简单而言就是要求大地理,好风水之真穴!若是一般普通之墓园, 或是虚花假穴效果则不大!
有人做生基为了求财、有人为了保寿元、有人为了渡过难关,实乃各有所求。 我个人很少替六十岁以下(未过甲子之人)的人做生基。若有特别情况(如重病),则看了当事人八字后才考虑是否要为事主做生基。
In the ancient China, first thing after the emperor being throne is to find a good Feng Shui place to build his own Tomb (Shengji) as to empower the dynasty & longevity.
The theory of Graveyard Yin Feng Shui is that ancestor’s bone shall receive the Qi of Heaven and Earth after buried. While the ancestor’s bone receiving good Feng Shui Qi, decedents with DNA link will then have smoother luck benefiting from that Yin Feng Shui..
As for the theory of Sheng Ji Feng Shui is to benefit the person him/herself from Graveyard Yin Feng Shui before he/ she die; In order to do so, will have to bury his/her BaZi, Blood, Clothing, Nails, shoes etc (which have the owner’s DNA connection). The location with good feng shui is one of the important key point to have this Shenji Feng Shui works!
Regardless of Yin / Shenji Feng Shui is in the basis of good Feng Shui location with 4 celestials animal mountains & sentimental water with 5 elements soils, the correct location and directions is crucial while making these Feng Shui.
Who should do Shengji Feng Shui? Someone do it because of health issues, someone do it to promote luck, and someone do it for future preparation…..
Personally I only do it mainly for customers after 60 years old. Those less than 60 with special reason (eg. serious illness) only I consider to do it for them; however I must check their BaZi before agreed to do so.
I do have customers who benefits from Shenji Feng Shui & I strongly encourage them to start with good deed after benefit from the above, this is to ensure the power of Shenji can continue further..
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