命理風水師是一個非常特殊的身份,一般上較容易得到顧客的信任,尤其當女性顧客, 最脆弱的時候,少數不道德的師傅當然會趁虛而入。有婦之夫《陳振聰》就是這樣的一個人!看了讓我這風水師感到痛心及生氣。
一個人一生的成就不能只看錢財! 個人名聲,品格,他人的尊重及家庭和諧也是重要的考量啊~
Feng Shui Consultant is a job usually gets clients trust easily after a few good results being shown. Some of the greedy Consultant may make use of the client’s trust (usually to lady client) and go for other motive, Nina Wang’s consultant 《Chan Zhen Chong》 is one of the example. It’s really a sickening story.
Here, I have 2 suggestions to share for those of you want to be a Feng Shui consultant in future:
1) Make sure you are technically ready & mentally ready before become a Consultant, Feng Shui knowledge is not only Flying star but a lot’s more. It is the business through word of mouth, client will introduce new client if you really able to help them. 若你有料 (If you have ingredient) You won’t be poor in life.
2) If you really want to be Super rich billionaire, don’t be Feng Shui Consultant but go for other line, being Feng Shui consultant won’t be able to make you super rich. Unless you go for other investment.
Defination of success in life is not only about Money, but also the personal reputation, respect from others and a harmony family. A person that family can proud of.. What do you think?