Most of you see me in Books, TV, Radio & newspaper in Mandarin, this round I specially arrange a short video Clip in English. Hope you like it .
Feng Shui for 2012 ~
Friday, January 20, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
龍年即將到來,我在這裡準備了12 生肖運程與大家分享。歡迎大家“分享” Dragon year is around the corner, find out your Zodiac luck for 2012 in the attached short video clip. “share” is welcome.
流年風水的片段將稍後兩三天後分享。 As for Feng Shui Chart 2012 I shall share 3 days later in Englsih…
Monday, January 2, 2012
New Year Card to all my Friends in FB.

隨著時代的變化,我們收到的新年祝福好像都通過email 或 sms 的mass audience/ delivery 的電子賀年卡! 而親筆書寫以及簽名的賀年卡就越來越少了,是否覺得少了一些“年”味呢?
為了答謝大家的支持,今年我特地印了一些賀年卡打算寄給大家,讓大家重新感受收到親筆書寫及簽名的賀年卡滋味!在我這賀年卡當中,有“生肖運程金句”,“開工吉日”,“流年風水圖“等, 讓大家收到祝福當兒也更加窩心。
With the advances and changes in modern society presently, the approaches of Chinese New Year but it have yet to be merry.
What if you get a hard copy greeting card instead of an E-card?
I’m here to giving out the greeting card with Chinese Astrology of 2012, Annual Feng Shui of 2012, auspicious date marking in Chinese New Year, wishes and autograph from Feng Shui Gateway in the hot printing.
How to get it? Just need your contact details (Name, gender, contact number) with the validate address send to
So, what are you waiting for? Action now, first come first serve!

THE MINES“書香“主辦單位表示:我們上星期在“書香”的講座會中,是反應最為熱烈的一次!更是本地作家中最受到读者观众熱烈擁護的其中一人!
有鉴于此,主辦單位再一次邀請我們為观众加場!日期与时间定于28/11/2011 , 12:30pm,錯過上次讲座的朋友可再来与我见面噢!
Due to overwhelming on my Feng Shui talk in “The Mines Books Exhibition” last week; the organizer have invited us for additional talk on coming 28/11/2011 12:30pm !
It was great to hear from organizer that our talk was one of the most enquiries, most audience, most purchase after talk and successful one as local Author..
I really appreciate and thanks for all your support! See you there if you miss my last talk..
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