情人节快乐!!你错过了罗师傅在NTV7的新年风水节目吗?没关系,赶快点击链接观看吧!单身朋友也可透过Part 1内的“催桃花法”为自己带来好运!
Happy Valentine!!! This is the CNY Zodiac program in NTV 7, just in case you missed the program during CNY, you may watch from our link. Anyone of you who is still single in this Valentine may reffer to part 1 as one of the topic is to activate the "Peach Blossom Luck"
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012

4/2/2012 6:22pm 是正式步入壬辰龍年的日子,也稱為“立春”日! 立春日是一年當中氣場最為祥和的日子,乃三陽開泰之氣!
要如何知道“立春之日”氣場真的祥和?拿一粒雞蛋在正式步入立春的時間(6:22pm)放在地上, 雞蛋會站起來哦!
我的書裡教大家把鞋子脫掉,以赤腳踏在草地上“踏青” 用自己的身體直接接收這股大地“三陽開泰”之氣!讓自己開運,希望事業,健康與家庭都興旺和諧!
記得這簡單有有意義的是記得要做! 羅一鳴。
4/2/12 is the Day of “Li Chun” the actual day of entering to Water Dragon year, the actual time of “Lichun” is 6:22pm. The Qi in that moment is very Auspicious !!
As I written in my book, it is good to stepping on the ground & grass with Barefoot on 6:22pm to receive the Good Energy of “Three Yang with harmony Yin” of Li Chun!
How can we prove that ”Lichun” days’ Qi is very strong & harmony ? Very old and simple method is the place an Egg on the ground at 6:22pm, the Egg will be able to stand !! I have tried and proven, you may try too ?
Louis Loh
Press Interview with artists' born in the year of Dragon

有熟龍, 木龍年的林淑賢,壯龍,火龍年的李洺中,少龍,土龍年的陳凱旋。 這三個藝人朋友都犯太歲。所以在新的一年裡應該做事特別謹慎。
當然每個人都有不同的八字,以淑賢而言,新的一年裡主要是自己要注意心理健康,較為矛盾的年份。。 而洺中則有不錯的財氣,Adrian 則大運很好!大運至少可以走s四- 至五年,大紅大紫,要把握!
Few days ago I was in press interview with three Artists; all of them are all Dragons, Wood Dragon, Fire Dragon & Earth Dragon.
For those who born in the year of Dragon are all Conflict and sitting with Taisui, therefore must pay extra attention to whatever you do in 2012.
Each of them will have difference BaZi, In general, Xu Xian is smooth year but with minor self conflict. Whereas for Li Ming Zhong is good in wealth luck, Adrian is going to enjoy the good luck till 2015.
For those of you in conflict with Taisui is advisable to do donation before 15 days of CNY.
Happy New Year !
NTV 7 Chinese New Year Program shooting

年除夕中午十二點的有,我與六位藝人他們是 王淑君, 謝承偉,Julio,辛偉廉,陳凱旋,楊雁雁。
這兩集的節目中將與大家分享十二生肖運程,流年風水以及居家風水,其中會提到大門,玄關,明堂,廚房,飯廳,睡房風水禁忌。大家記得要收看!NTV7 or Astro 107 22/1/2012 12pm , 23/1/2012 12pm
My Chinese New Feng Shui TV program this year also shooting with 12 Artists as last year, the shooting process takes about three days, it’s a bit tired but interesting !
I will share the Astrology Luck for 12 animal signs in the program and also a lot on Residential Feng Shui, on Main door, Kitchen, Stove, Dinning, Bedroom, Foyer etc.
There are total of 12 artists in my show, please tune in to NTV 7 or Astro 107 on 22/1/2012 & 23/1/2012 12pm-1pm, part 1 & part 2.
Happy New Year!
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