之前所提的巨额“找龙穴”的“风水大师”个案发生在JB & KL! 该风水師好像说自己是替云顶看“风水的大师”!
该“大师”会以廉价风水服务作为诱饵,到顾客家就把罗盘放在铁门前的地上说顾客家是空亡向,要找出龙穴来化解,要不然就家无宁日,横祸连连! 所以要另外收费四万八千元马币,找龙穴化解。
破绽1 : 罗盘放在铁门与大门下量方向,肯定受到铁的干扰,罗盘磁针肯定量不准!这一点大家都知道,但该“大师”连如此基本的理论都不会,肯定是神棍!
破绽2: “龙穴”一般上是用来形容下葬的宝地,其条件必须要有层层山脉环抱,万马奔腾之走势,河流之交界,阴阳交媾。。。等等等。。。。如此条件,这如何在家中找出? 难道要在家里面挖地葬人?一听就是一派胡言!
这么多年以来,我听见自称替“云顶”看风水的“风水大师”不少过50人!大多数还是凄惨的过着平庸的日子! 所以是真是假,大家心知肚明! 唉。。风水界就是有那么多的混混。所以大家一定要用智慧去判断,风水师傅不一定是大富大贵的亿万富翁,但真正懂得风水的师傅,自己一定要先自救,过得不错才是。
Regarding the previous post on so-called “Feng Shui Master” who claimed to find “Dragon Meridian Spot” in the house, these kind of cases happen in JB & KL often and he also claimed that he is the Feng Shui Master for Genting Highland.
Those Feng Shui Master will offer cheap Feng Shui consultation price as a bait to con the customers and then telling them that their house is aligned at “Death and Emptiness Line” which bring great catastrophe. Therefore they need to pay huge amount of money to solve the problem through finding “Dragon Meridian Spot”.
I knew it is another scam case when customers told me about it.
Flaw 1: Almost everyone who commented on previous post knows that placing compass beneath the steel door would affect its accuracy, while this particular “Feng Shui Master” did it in a wrong way, we might as well just refer him as “impostor”.
Flaw 2: “Dragon Meridian Spot” referred to those auspicious places that are good for entombment. It’s a part of Yin Feng Shui. How can we apply this into Residential Feng Shui? Obviously this is nonsense by claiming to do so inside the house.
There are too many who claimed themselves as the one who did the Feng Shui for Genting Highlands, in which I know is no lesser than 50 people. We know the trustworthiness in this as most of those self-claimed "Feng Shui Master" are still living a mediocre life. They are the one who ruined the credibility and reputation in the field of Feng Shui. We must know that Feng Shui Masters may not be necessary a billionaire but at least they will know how to apply the correct mechanism and philosophies of Feng Shui to enrich their own life for better life enhancement and comfortableness before helping others.
Feng Shui Master should make it clear that the charges for consultation without any hidden or extra surcharges, and frightening the customers to obtain huge amount of fee are the most despicable way to do so.