Wednesday, June 30, 2010

財富面相 - 鼻子

鼻子在相學裡稱為“財帛宮” ﹐是看財富其中一個重要的指南。要知道自己有沒有大富之命先要看看鼻子﹐很多人都以為大鼻子就好﹐但其實有一定的條件﹕

1) 所謂准頭有肉財豐厚﹐准頭無肉財難求﹗准頭(鼻尖) 必須飽滿﹐突起才有成為富翁的基因。

2) 看准頭必需從正面以及側面看﹐正面大而側面扁則難得大富。

3) “鼻翼”與准頭必需分明﹐大成一團之鼻子但鼻翼不分明也不是大富之相。

4) 准頭丰滿與鼻翼分明之外﹐顴骨要夠高才能撐起財富。(若女子顴骨太高但鼻子小則有克夫之相)


In the art of Face Reading, Nose is consider one of the very important indication when come to wealth, t “Wealth Palace” is what we named Nose in the study of Face Reading. There are a few important points to ensure you have a good and wealthy Nose:

1) Nose tip have to be fleshy, thin and sharp nose are bad for wealth !

2) The fleshy nose must be observed from Front view & Side view

3) Nostril wings have to be clearly define as to collect wealth, large nose but without clear nostril wings are consider not ideal for wealth

4) Besides Nose tip & Nostril wings have to be fleshy, the cheek bone must be high enough to support the fleshy nose. ( If nose is small but cheek bone is high is consider counter husband )

Generally the study of Face Reading to see the Wealth will have to combine with many others areas in the face including forehead, shape of the face, Chin, Ear, Qi Color of the face. Hope to share more next time~

Plastic surgery?? I shall share with you next time~

Sunday, June 27, 2010


很多人常常問我﹕( 師傅﹐我的面相會富有嗎﹖) 今天大家自己來學看﹐有誰能告訴我看財富要看那裡﹖怎麼看﹖

There are too many people asking me about their “Face”, Can they be rich?~ Can anyone tell me where to see the “wealth” in our face? How to see the poor or rich face ?

Thursday, June 24, 2010



1) 熱愛中華文化藝術品﹐ 我非常喜歡這一類的擺設物品。

2) 讓我看了開心、愉快、祥和的感覺﹐這些造型吉祥如意的擺設﹐把我淺意識帶向積極性的層面。

3) 增加我辦公室的 “氣勢” ﹐ 我在大門也擺放了一對貔貅,漂亮之餘也很有氣勢。大家也可以擺龍擺鳳擺獅子﹐重點是“氣勢” 以及美感﹐什麼動物都行。



I always say Cultural Ornaments are not the key point of Feng Shui, but I have no objection to display them, personally I have many of collections, reasons are:

1) I tressured Chinese Culture, I love Oriental Art. Those cultural art are beautiful for me~

2) It makes me feel peaceful, harmony & joyful, they look auspicious and possibly generate positive thinking for my inner sense.

3) It make my home & my office looks elegant, I have a pair of Pi Xiu in front of my Office, you may place Pi Xiu/ Lions/ Cows/ Cats or anything that makes your office looks elegant too. (Key point is not what animal but the feel of elegant)

Although these Cultural Ornament may work for us psychologically, but Feng Shui is not about Psychology; but the study of Qi.

Next time, if you want to buy any cultural ornament you must have clear mind that you buy because of the Culture or beauty of these Art, but not buying because of “Si Fu Blessed” these ornament for good Feng Shui ~

Attached are some of my collection at home & offices, don’t you think these Oriental Art are so beautiful?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

文化 = 風水?


1) 不管是哪一個國家﹐祥獸在門口、屋頂或是內部,其真正的目的只是讓整個建築格式看起來更有 “勢”、 更宏偉﹗

2) 其實這些祥獸都是屬于文化禮俗的一部份﹐如以前只有皇帝能夠用“龍”的設計﹐因為那是身份的象征而並非風水﹗試想想﹐難道說你在家裡擺了一條龍就能夠當皇帝﹖

3) 紫禁城風水佈局的重點在于整個格局之平陽龍﹐金水河之來去、方向以及方位之運用等。

所以不管是龍還是獅子﹐都是文化﹑是習俗﹑是禮俗﹐是藝術﹗華人總是喜歡擺設吉祥如意的物品﹐並沒有不好﹐但不是風水。 風水在于方向與方位之運用。大家現在是不是更清楚了呢﹖

The Dragon in Thai Temple, Lion In front of New York Library, Sphinx in Egypt are all relevant to Feng Shui? If not, Why those Lion in Forbidden City is Feng Shui??

1) Many difference cultures have difference animal in front of their Buildings, meanly is to enhance the “Elegant Style” but not Feng Shui

2) These object s are part of Chinese Culture, Custom, or Some time Religion. In the older days, Dragon represent the Status of King in China, nobody allowed to use Dragon Symbol in any manner. It does not mean if anyone use Dragon Symbol can become the King!

3) Feng Shui in Forbidden City is about the Mountain location, River ways, Direction, Location, Architecture Plans, Bright hall & The flow of Qi.

Therefore, those Lion or Dragons Statues are purely Custom, Culture, Rules or Art ! It is part of Chinese custom to place auspicious object. There is nothing wrong with this custom but it is not the key point in Feng Shui.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Last week, I said Pi Xiu & Three Legged Toad are not relevant to Feng Shui. What about the Lion & Dragon in China Forbidden City?


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

打破風水迷思 - 蟾蜍與貔貅

在這裡要打破大多數人的迷思, 風水講的是天地之間的氣﹗所以貔貅,三腳蟾蜍,獅子,老虎等形形色色的的擺設品與風水無關, 那些東西根本不是風水的重點﹗再者﹐風水更是與宗教無關,而是方向與方位之運用﹗

I have to tell the truth that Feng Shui is not about Pi Xiu, Three Legged Toad or any other cultural ornaments or believed, Feng Shui is not about religion either;

1) 從晉朝到清朝的所有風水古書中﹐沒有一本是記載有關擺設吉龍、鳳凰或是貔貅蟾蜍。

2) 所有的風水古書中更是沒有提及任何宗教﹐但卻不斷強調風水師應有的道德操守。
3) 古代著名風水先賢楊筠松﹐賴布衣﹐蔣大鴻等都從來沒有提及擺龍擺虎或是貔貅蟾蜍﹐而是在論述山水之間的陰陽﹐方向與方位之吉凶運用﹗

1) All Feng Shui Ancient Classic have NEVER mentioned about what ornament to be displayed, Pixiu, Three legged toad, Bagua Mirror etc

2) All Ancient Classic NEVER mentioned about Religion but only Ethics that Feng Shui Practitioners should follow.

3) All Ancient Classic & Famous Grand Master Yang Yun Song or Grand Master Lai Bu Yi have NEVER teach about Tiger or Dragon ornament to display but about Mountain & Water, Direction & Location to be used



Today, those ornaments are selling well is purely because everyone want Quick & Simple Feng Shui, because placing an ornament is much more simple..

The bottom line is does it work ? Is Feng Shui work that way? You may judge by your own Wisdom ~

( 我家也有很多貔貅﹐為什麼呢﹖。。。。待續 )

(I have many Pi Xiu and Chinese Ornaments at home & office, why? be continued)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


不久前我的美髮師以約RM6000在中國(導游介紹)買了由“中國國師“ 開光的貔貅﹐他深信那能為他招財﹗而目前他家中的三腳蟾蜍就沒有用﹐因為沒有開光﹗大家認為這兩樣吉祥物﹐那一樣在風水上能招財﹖

A friend of mine has purchased a Pixiu from China and he was told that Pixiu is excellent in Feng Shui, where as his “Three Legged Toad” at home is useless in Feng Shui because no blessing from Sifu. What do you think? Pi Xiu or Three Legged Toad is better Feng Shui for wealth?
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