1) 所謂准頭有肉財豐厚﹐准頭無肉財難求﹗准頭(鼻尖) 必須飽滿﹐突起才有成為富翁的基因。
2) 看准頭必需從正面以及側面看﹐正面大而側面扁則難得大富。
3) “鼻翼”與准頭必需分明﹐大成一團之鼻子但鼻翼不分明也不是大富之相。
4) 准頭丰滿與鼻翼分明之外﹐顴骨要夠高才能撐起財富。(若女子顴骨太高但鼻子小則有克夫之相)
In the art of Face Reading, Nose is consider one of the very important indication when come to wealth, t “Wealth Palace” is what we named Nose in the study of Face Reading. There are a few important points to ensure you have a good and wealthy Nose:
1) Nose tip have to be fleshy, thin and sharp nose are bad for wealth !
2) The fleshy nose must be observed from Front view & Side view
3) Nostril wings have to be clearly define as to collect wealth, large nose but without clear nostril wings are consider not ideal for wealth
4) Besides Nose tip & Nostril wings have to be fleshy, the cheek bone must be high enough to support the fleshy nose. ( If nose is small but cheek bone is high is consider counter husband )
Generally the study of Face Reading to see the Wealth will have to combine with many others areas in the face including forehead, shape of the face, Chin, Ear, Qi Color of the face. Hope to share more next time~
Plastic surgery?? I shall share with you next time~