1) 不管是哪一個國家﹐祥獸在門口、屋頂或是內部,其真正的目的只是讓整個建築格式看起來更有 “勢”、 更宏偉﹗
2) 其實這些祥獸都是屬于文化禮俗的一部份﹐如以前只有皇帝能夠用“龍”的設計﹐因為那是身份的象征而並非風水﹗試想想﹐難道說你在家裡擺了一條龍就能夠當皇帝﹖
3) 紫禁城風水佈局的重點在于整個格局之平陽龍﹐金水河之來去、方向以及方位之運用等。
所以不管是龍還是獅子﹐都是文化﹑是習俗﹑是禮俗﹐是藝術﹗華人總是喜歡擺設吉祥如意的物品﹐並沒有不好﹐但不是風水。 風水在于方向與方位之運用。大家現在是不是更清楚了呢﹖
The Dragon in Thai Temple, Lion In front of New York Library, Sphinx in Egypt are all relevant to Feng Shui? If not, Why those Lion in Forbidden City is Feng Shui??
1) Many difference cultures have difference animal in front of their Buildings, meanly is to enhance the “Elegant Style” but not Feng Shui
2) These object s are part of Chinese Culture, Custom, or Some time Religion. In the older days, Dragon represent the Status of King in China, nobody allowed to use Dragon Symbol in any manner. It does not mean if anyone use Dragon Symbol can become the King!
3) Feng Shui in Forbidden City is about the Mountain location, River ways, Direction, Location, Architecture Plans, Bright hall & The flow of Qi.
Therefore, those Lion or Dragons Statues are purely Custom, Culture, Rules or Art ! It is part of Chinese custom to place auspicious object. There is nothing wrong with this custom but it is not the key point in Feng Shui.
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