Tuesday, July 27, 2010
整容與面相 2
Previously, we talked about Michael’s Nose which affected his Mian Xiang & today we are going for more details to Chin, Cheek, Philtrum, Forehead, Upper, Middle & Lower Regions :
1) Upper Region (young age), forehead of Michael is bright & fleshy! That why he have excellent career luck in young age! All his majo...r achievements were before 30! The top selling album in Guinness record, President Invitation to white house, making billions on wealth, buying his Neverland……
2) Middle Region (middle age) of Michael is bad because it’s near to his damaged nose, his record was not selling very well compared to those released before age 30, Court cases, accused of Child abuse, Financial crisis in Age 41, failure in marriage, Health condition was bad….
3) Lower Region (old age) is very bad as the Chin was being split, Cheek is sunken, Philtrum is damage. Philtrum is the Gateway to old age and sadly he can’t cross over this Gate. Even if he able to cross over 51 will also encounter bad luck as Cheek & Chin are in bad shapes after many rounds of plastic surgeries.
Michael has given us all his wonderful music, on top of that he also giving us the true a story of Mian Xiang, hope everyone can take a good lesson from this.
在麥可失世一周年之際﹐先前我們談了他的鼻子﹐接下來我們來看看他臉頰、下巴、人中以及上中下庭﹕ -
1) 上庭 (青少年運)>>額頭飽滿﹐代表少年運佳﹐事業有成就﹗所以我們可以看看他在三十歲之前的成就可真的是銳不可擋﹗唱片銷售打破世界記錄﹗就連當時的總統都邀他到白宮去﹗財富方面也極度豐厚。
2) 中庭 (中年運)>>三十一歲之後﹐開始走鼻子運﹐惡運連連﹐三十五歲開始官非不斷﹐唱片銷售大不如前﹐四十一歲開始面臨經濟危機﹗
3) 下庭(老年運)>>五十歲之後﹐因為整容過渡﹐下巴(地閣)分叉 ﹐臉頰凹陷﹐人中受損﹐就算過的了五十一也會晚景悽涼﹐晚潔坎坷。“人中” 是跨入老年 “下庭” 的一個關卡﹐因為鼻子嚴重破相而影響其人中﹐所以過不了關啊﹗
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Michael Jackson’s dead may have many reasons, but one of the reasons is definitely related to his Face (Mian Xiang) especially the Nose!
1) Nose name “Wealth Palace” in Face Reading, his nose was seriously damage, therefore somehow affected his wealth!
2) The nostril wing is the worse in his face, this area also represent the ability of money saving, don’t you agree he has serious problem of saving?
3) Face Reading technique also represent luck of ages, his luck was getting bad since 41 this is because the luck of Nose start from age 41, nostril wing represent age 49 & 50, this area are seriously damage, therefore he was in danger since 49 & 50.
A person’s luck depending on many factors including BaZi, Mian Xiang, Feng Shui, Attitude, good deed….
Seeing Mian Xiang may not be able to 100% confirm sure when will the person going die but definitely have some indication of luck in specific area & specific age.
Minor plastic surgery might have no issue, but major surgery which may damage your Xiang & Luck.
To be continued……
1) 鼻子代表財富也代表健康﹐其鼻相遭到再而三的破壞﹐其健康與財碌也嚴重受到影響。
2) 最嚴重的部份就是鼻翼﹐這也代表儲蓄能力﹐無可否認他很會賺錢﹐但他的最大問題就是不會存錢
3) 面相也看年齡﹐從山根開始也代表四十一歲﹐其惡運從四十一歲開始走下坡﹐四十九以及五十歲乃大危關﹐他很僥倖過了五十﹐但還是過不了五十一﹗(五十一虛歲)
一個人的運氣在要從幾個方面去確定﹐ 八字﹐面相﹐性格﹐風水﹐努力﹐行善積德等。單看面相絕對無法確定他幾歲會死﹐但絕對看得出一些有學術根據的相理重點﹗
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Photos were taken during the course preview which held on last week, very happy to see facebook friends who attended the preview, it was really a happy night that i have shared with everyone not only the course but also the Feng Shui. Hope everyone are enjoyed it. Looking forward for the coming Module 1, cheers !
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Un-even Doors is bad in Feng Shui, this is true & indicated in Feng Shui Ancient Classic books, it was clearly written as:
One Door & Two balance doors are good, where as Un-even doors is bad in Feng Shui! If Left door is bigger (Green Dragon counter White Tiger) = The husband may re-married; If Right door is bigger (White Tiger counter Green Dragon)= The husband may encounter un-fortunate matters.
However we will have to understand the history of Ancient Chinese Building structure VS today’s architecture before jump to conclusion.
1) Feng Shui is always emphasizing in Balance, therefore the door also required balance for left & right. If you see un-even doors is in Old China, is definitely bad shape and in-balance
2) Door is the Qi mouth for the interior, If one door is larger than another, sometimes open the left door & sometimes open the right door; this will resulting the un-balance of Qi entrance, if happen that the door is located in the ‘Negative’ sector will definitely bring bad influence to the house !
3) Today’s Un-even doors design is actually ONE DOOR, therefore no major issue, however if you open the Left door and Right all the times is still consider bad in Feng Shui. (if your door is un-even)
Solution is simple for un-even doors, Open only One side. Avoid the imbalance of Qi entrance.
Do remember, The first choice for Feng Shui is Single doors / Double doors in same size. Another important factor to consider for door is Good Sector & Good Direction~
這說法絕對是有根據的﹗清代風水著作﹐ 八宅明鏡有一段說 :“不论何门, 自二扇以上,大小一樣為吉,一大一小為凶﹗若左大换妻,右大孤寡。
一大一小之門﹐從房子看出來左大右小的話(青龍欺虎)﹐可能離婚或娶小老婆。若右大左邊小(白虎食龍) 則先生早亡﹗看起來真的是蠻可怕的﹗但這說法固然有根據但也要了解歷史﹐了解現今社會格局來斷定。
1) 古代的大門一定要同等大小﹐這就是風水上要求的~方正公整。
2) 門乃陽宅主要之納氣口﹐若大門一大一小﹐有時開大門﹐有時開小門﹐氣之不穩定會導致不好的事情發生﹗若門剛好在凶方跟是凶上加凶﹗
3) 現今社會的子母門﹐雖然是一大一小﹐但實際上是一個門﹗所以問題不大。但若你有時開大邊門﹐有時又開小邊之門﹐剛好大門又在凶方的話﹐也不太理想。
Monday, July 5, 2010
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