Michael Jackson’s dead may have many reasons, but one of the reasons is definitely related to his Face (Mian Xiang) especially the Nose!
1) Nose name “Wealth Palace” in Face Reading, his nose was seriously damage, therefore somehow affected his wealth!
2) The nostril wing is the worse in his face, this area also represent the ability of money saving, don’t you agree he has serious problem of saving?
3) Face Reading technique also represent luck of ages, his luck was getting bad since 41 this is because the luck of Nose start from age 41, nostril wing represent age 49 & 50, this area are seriously damage, therefore he was in danger since 49 & 50.
A person’s luck depending on many factors including BaZi, Mian Xiang, Feng Shui, Attitude, good deed….
Seeing Mian Xiang may not be able to 100% confirm sure when will the person going die but definitely have some indication of luck in specific area & specific age.
Minor plastic surgery might have no issue, but major surgery which may damage your Xiang & Luck.
To be continued……
1) 鼻子代表財富也代表健康﹐其鼻相遭到再而三的破壞﹐其健康與財碌也嚴重受到影響。
2) 最嚴重的部份就是鼻翼﹐這也代表儲蓄能力﹐無可否認他很會賺錢﹐但他的最大問題就是不會存錢
3) 面相也看年齡﹐從山根開始也代表四十一歲﹐其惡運從四十一歲開始走下坡﹐四十九以及五十歲乃大危關﹐他很僥倖過了五十﹐但還是過不了五十一﹗(五十一虛歲)
一個人的運氣在要從幾個方面去確定﹐ 八字﹐面相﹐性格﹐風水﹐努力﹐行善積德等。單看面相絕對無法確定他幾歲會死﹐但絕對看得出一些有學術根據的相理重點﹗
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