Monday, October 31, 2011
Bank Lelong Property ? Check before decide to buy..
所有银行拍卖的房子都有風水的問題嗎?不是全部,但一半以上是! 所以大家要買的時候可要仔細觀察。。
有很多买卖房子的人都说:这房子不适合前屋主,可能适合你啊!前屋主住了破产,你住了也许大发啊~ 这般的Marketing Talk 大家可要用智慧来判断了。
Not all the Bank Lelong house are bad Feng Shui but most of them are. The one shown in the pictures was bad in Feng Shui due to the Land shape of that property.
The land shape of that property is Bigger in front and small at the back, which like Funnel shape or “Hanging/ Le neck” is very bad in Feng Shui as all the bad Qi will stuck behind the property, these will eventually course Financial & health problem.
In General, the Square and Rectangle land shape is the best as the Qi flow is table, second best is Small In front and larger behind as the shape of “Hemp Bag”. Those Funnel shape will definitely need to avoid.
Facing NW could be NW1, NW2, NW3, even if the direction shown as ‘prosperous for health & wealth” but if the land shape is bad, is still consider as bad Feng Shui.
Direction NW2乾, NW3亥, can be considered auspicious direction as Excellent for Wealth & Health in Period 8 with the condition of land shape is rectangle or square + higher ground behind.
Some Property Agents may tell you: “The previous owner stayed and bankrupt maybe the house direction is not suitable for him. This house could be suitable for you! Maybe you stay will become Millionaire? Huat Ah!”
Be careful of those marketing talk and judged wisely with Feng Shui Wisdom..
Friday, October 7, 2011
择日生小孩不能看通书。 Date selection for Cecaesarean
首先我們並不是鼓吹一定要“開刀”生小孩! 而是因為安全理由醫生建議“開刀”的大前提之下,我們建議擇一個好日子生,讓小孩有個好的八字,好的性格。(性格決定了人的成敗)
通书/通胜 里的吉日一般都只适合用在”简易版”择日搬家, 开张,结婚等,当然不是那么专业,但总好过没有择日。
但用通书来择日生小孩就大错特错了!!! 通书里面的吉日可能是“好日子”但不一定是“好八字”。我就看到了许多人搞错了,不选还好,“半桶水”的去用通书来看反而选了“烂八字”!!
举例 2011 年12月2日是通书里面的好日子,适合婚嫁,开市,动土,安床等。但是绝对不适合生小孩。。
I perceived some of the people will choose a good day for parturition base on “Tong Shu”?! The auspicious day shown in “Tong Shu” used to be selected as renovation, grand opening, wedding, and etc. Moreover does it suitable for parturition? Does the combination of the Bazi good?
First of all, we are not encouraged to do delivery surgery. Unless base on some reasons and doctor propose to caesarean section then only go for date selection. A good combination of Bazi comes with good character. (Character and attitude navigate your life)
Those auspicious dates shown in “Tung Shu” have been simplified and also ease to public to get known if the day is suitable for shifting, opening and etc. of course that will not caused any inauspicious but not the professional practices especially for giving birth of Baby.
In the other hand, by using “Tung Shu” to choose the date of parturition could be very risky. Due to the auspicious dates shown in “Tung Shu” could be a good day but not represent that comes into the combination of Bazi will be good too.
I perceived quite amount of cases was using “Tung Shu” to choose the date of parturition. That is very risky and unskillful.
For example, the baby new born in December 2, 2011 which is auspicious date as shown in the “Tung Shu” but comes to the combination of Bazi which is very awful due to the combination of the Bazi will reflect the personal character so the baby born in this day will be selfish, physically weak, work hard with no gain, without the passionate and etc.
In short, date selection among wedding, shifting, or renovation is TOTALLY DIFFERENCE with parturition. If don’t have the skill with that better follow god’s will let it be “natural”. If concern about the good combination of Bazi better find a professional master to choose for the date either.
Last but not least, the auspicious date shown in “Tung Shu” is just an auspicious date for house moving , renovation, wedding and others but not a good combination of Bazi. A good combination of Bazi got its formula and some calculation.
P/s: The aforementioned aren’t stand for caesarean action
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
择日生子 Select a good day to give birth
一命,二運,三風水。講的很淺白了,就是說八字最重要!一個好的八字,人格一定好,聰明,有熱誠,努力與為人積極等。一個怨天尤人,不求上進,懶散無知,人格不好的人,八字一定很差!換言之,八字普通 = 人格與能力普通。八字好 = 人格與能力強。
當命理師傅在擇日生子的時候《年》與《月》已經定下來了,剩下的只有《日》 與《時》,再扣掉醫生星期六,星期天不做手術,晚上不做手術,能選的時間可真的不多了,所以能挑到80分以上的八字就很不錯了!哪有那麼容易選到皇帝命!?
我認為擇日生小孩要符合兩項原則: 1)醫生的建議,2)安全的預產期內。千萬不可過度勉強。
照片中有兩兄弟,我好友IVAN的孩子,大的已經七歲了!當年挑的八字是《木火通明,兩形成相》格局很不錯,事實也證明他非常聰明,學業成績很好! 而弟弟目前已四歲了,雖然沒有他哥哥《木火通明》那麼聰明,但是卻有《三奇貴人》坐命,所以人見人愛,人緣極佳,四歲的他已經喜歡到結交朋友了,長大一定有大貴人提拔!
还有我同事MELVIN的侄女,也是我择日子生的小孩,事实也证明非常聪明伶俐! 虽然只有一岁多但她的智慧好比四五岁的小孩,真是可爱!
Baby born in 12/9/2011 12:01 am is the same Bazi with Emperor Qian Long but not necessary can be emperor because the “Heaven Time factor”, “Earth Feng Shui factor, “ Human Attitude factor” are difference.
However, the person born with the same Bazi with Qian Long in the century in Malaysia may not be emperor but could be very influential successful person in politic, business or academy for sure.
With cosmic trinity of our human life there are three factors: Heaven, Human, and Earth.
Heaven, represent the timing, for example like Bazi which contented with the time & date of the human birth (The combination of five elements determine the person’s Character & luck)
Earth, represent the landscape, the topography or the geography factors which is Feng Shui.
Human, represent human being, attitude, characteristic of the person.
In all the above 3 factors, Bazi is the most
important factor! 一命二運三風水。A person with excellent Bazi will usually with good attitude, high ability, while another person with bad Bazi are usually bad attitude & low ability.
Does it help for a date select of parturition? The answer is obviously YES ! However, sometimes got to face some dependence variables there is hardly to score the perfect BaZi.
With the normal practices of the Fengshui practitioners to select the date of parturition the year and month which had been set initially. In addition to pulling out the day off of operations with these constrains could a better Bazi be matched is very fortune yet to desire for perfect.
Apparently the date of parturition been choose by the Fengshui practitioners is also consider “naturally” God's will, since it was filtered in the limited time frame. In the scene, if the child is birth accordingly to the chosen date that is gifted. If not, even though the date had chosen there will be some variables to changes, like the doctor fall sick, parturition time getting earlier, etc.
For my practices, there are 2 golden rules for me to do the date selection. 1) Doctor’s advice of Caesarean section, 2) Select the save date in the estimated parturition time ensure the safety of both the mother and baby.
My good friend, Ivan has a pair of lovely son. The eldest already 7 years old and the younger are 4 years old. They both were born in the date chosen with good Bazi. The eldest’s Bazi chosen a
Whereas the younger brother may not be so talented but as his brother but Bazi chosen was e
Another baby girl in the picture , my colleague sister’s daughter, also born with selected day of good Bazi, only 2 years old but behave like 4 years old girl, very clever and smart!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
这来临的星期六(13/8),我会与NTV7一同飞往槟城,予槟城韩江中学下午3:30pm 与你们谈风水,论面相,槟城朋友,我们园游会见!(免费入场)
I will be flyingr to Penang with NTV7 in this following Saturday (13/8), to share about Feng Shui and Face Reading at Han Jiang High School (3:30pm), Penang. My beloved friend in Penang, see you there! (Free Admission)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
My New Car in "Ghost month"
驾了很多年的BMW这一回买一辆BENZ来试试看,反正都是双B。这是E Class 的跑车系列,内部是红色,外面是白。
买BENZ的感觉蛮不错,他们免费还送我去Sepang F1 跑道训练。试了很多款Benz的车而且还有专业的老外指导,好玩又刺激,时速可跑大越200km。
P/S :风水师就是要先用风水提升自己的生活,再提升顾客的生活,与顾客一起进步。
Chinese lunar 7th month is used to believe as inauspicious for all activities, most of the Chinese trying to avoid major activities during that particular month as this is the “ghost month”
From the metrology of date selection this is NOT TRUE; every month will have auspicious day & inauspicious day hence it’s depending on the combination of Year, Month, Day, Time.
As said, Chinese lunar 7th Month may have good day then Chinese lunar 8th Month may have bad day also! For example, 1st of Chinese lunar 7th month (31/7/11) was a good day!
I had chosen that day to get my new car; this is not only an auspicious day with the combination of the Year, Month, Day & Time and it’s also suit to my BaZi which may bring me “Nobleman / Mentorship”
After years of being a loyalty fans of BMW. I just off to the brand new model of Mercedes Benz which is the < 2 Doors E Class Coupe Sports Edition >
It is so nice to having it furthermore they were actually send me to Sepang F1 for Driving Course, a professional Trainer from USA & Australia was guiding me on how to use Mercedes car into Maximum drive performance in Sepang racing track.
P/S: A Feng Shui Consultant had mastering of Feng Shui to improve his luck himself & also customer’s luck. While customer is good, we are good too.
Yin Feng Shui in Kota Kinabalu
最近到東馬Kota Kinabalu講座,也到KK富貴山上去替顧客選地,發現其風水可說是《東馬》最好的寶地。
在KK的這地點很像台灣《巨富》吳火獅及《台灣首富》王永慶的風水格局,靠山面水,前面的水由來自四個不同的河流聚集在一起,風水上稱為四水朝堂, 水聚天星。
當天替好幾個顧客選福地,但就有其中一個,請我替他選地,當然我替她選了個最好收山納水的寶穴, 但他卻不要,偏偏要最高而且有很多石頭的地點,他認為越高越有氣派,石頭越多越美。。。看來她的福份不夠,那我也無能為力。
I was in East Malaysia Kota Kinabalu for Feng Shui talk recently, and so I was invited from few friends to Nirvana KK for Burial Plot selection in the following day.
I got that Yin Feng Shui of Nirvana KK is one of the best in East Malaysia and the landform very similar with one of the best Yin Feng Shui in Taiwan which had produced many Billionaires / Tycoon.
The landform is perfectly set with the Strong Backup which has the Mountain behind, and 4 difference route rivers gather in the heavenly heart.
I was doing hard and with full attention to select the good Feng Shui plot. With the Water & Mountain direction in order to rise and activate the Wealth & Health among the user & family for all of my fellow friends and customers as there are many that day.
However, one of the customers was really weird who insisted on one specific location. Her selection was located at the almost peak of the mountain and quite rocky which is not idealistic if compare to others. I was tried to explain the theory to her but her mind was stand still.
From our Chinese said, not everyone have the good fate to choose a good Yin Feng Shui land & Meridian Spot; Even got a good Feng Shui land to choose but there need a Reliable Master to choose for you; Even got the good Master nevertheless you might yet to get the fate to own that Good Feng Shui land.
In conclusion, the moral of the story is that we must do good deed to get the Good Feng Shui land for the prosperity of ourselves and family.
P/S: For West Malaysia’s Yin Feng Shui wise I shall share later.
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