最近到東馬Kota Kinabalu講座,也到KK富貴山上去替顧客選地,發現其風水可說是《東馬》最好的寶地。
在KK的這地點很像台灣《巨富》吳火獅及《台灣首富》王永慶的風水格局,靠山面水,前面的水由來自四個不同的河流聚集在一起,風水上稱為四水朝堂, 水聚天星。
當天替好幾個顧客選福地,但就有其中一個,請我替他選地,當然我替她選了個最好收山納水的寶穴, 但他卻不要,偏偏要最高而且有很多石頭的地點,他認為越高越有氣派,石頭越多越美。。。看來她的福份不夠,那我也無能為力。
I was in East Malaysia Kota Kinabalu for Feng Shui talk recently, and so I was invited from few friends to Nirvana KK for Burial Plot selection in the following day.
I got that Yin Feng Shui of Nirvana KK is one of the best in East Malaysia and the landform very similar with one of the best Yin Feng Shui in Taiwan which had produced many Billionaires / Tycoon.
The landform is perfectly set with the Strong Backup which has the Mountain behind, and 4 difference route rivers gather in the heavenly heart.
I was doing hard and with full attention to select the good Feng Shui plot. With the Water & Mountain direction in order to rise and activate the Wealth & Health among the user & family for all of my fellow friends and customers as there are many that day.
However, one of the customers was really weird who insisted on one specific location. Her selection was located at the almost peak of the mountain and quite rocky which is not idealistic if compare to others. I was tried to explain the theory to her but her mind was stand still.
From our Chinese said, not everyone have the good fate to choose a good Yin Feng Shui land & Meridian Spot; Even got a good Feng Shui land to choose but there need a Reliable Master to choose for you; Even got the good Master nevertheless you might yet to get the fate to own that Good Feng Shui land.
In conclusion, the moral of the story is that we must do good deed to get the Good Feng Shui land for the prosperity of ourselves and family.
P/S: For West Malaysia’s Yin Feng Shui wise I shall share later.
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