Thursday, August 11, 2011


这来临的星期六(13/8),我会与NTV7一同飞往槟城,予槟​城韩江中学下午3:30pm 与你们谈风水,论面相,槟城朋友,我们园游会见!(免费入场)

I will be flyingr to Penang with NTV7 in this following Saturday (13/8), to share about Feng Shui and Face Reading at Han Jiang High School (3:30pm), Penang. My beloved friend in Penang, see you there! (Free Admission)​m/

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My New Car in "Ghost month"




驾了很多年的BMW这一回买一辆BENZ来试试看,反正​都是双B。这是E Class 的跑车系列,内部是红色,外面是白。

买BENZ的感觉蛮不错,他们免费还送我去Sepang​ F1 跑道训练。试了很多款Benz的车而且还有专业的老外指​导,好玩又刺激,时速可跑大越200km。

P/S :风水师就是要先用风水提升自己的生活,再提升顾客的生​活,与顾客一起进步。

Chinese lunar 7th month is used to believe as inauspicious for all activities, most of the Chinese trying to avoid major activities during that particular month as this is the “ghost month”

From the metrology of date selection this is NOT TRUE; every month will have auspicious day & inauspicious day hence it’s depending on the combination of Year, Month, Day, Time.

As said, Chinese lunar 7th Month may have good day then Chinese lunar 8th Month may have bad day also! For example, 1st of Chinese lunar 7th month (31/7/11) was a good day!

I had chosen that day to get my new car; this is not only an auspicious day with the combination of the Year, Month, Day & Time and it’s also suit to my BaZi which may bring me “Nobleman / Mentorship”

After years of being a loyalty fans of BMW. I just off to the brand new model of Mercedes Benz which is the < 2 Doors E Class Coupe Sports Edition >

It is so nice to having it furthermore they were actually send me to Sepang F1 for Driving Course, a professional Trainer from USA & Australia was guiding me on how to use Mercedes car into Maximum drive performance in Sepang racing track.

P/S: A Feng Shui Consultant had mastering of Feng Shui to improve his luck himself & also customer’s luck. While customer is good, we are good too.

Yin Feng Shui in Kota Kinabalu

最近到東馬Kota Kinabalu講座,也到KK富貴山上去替顧客選地,​發現其風水可說是《東馬》最好的寶地。

在KK的這地點很像台灣《巨富》吳火獅及《台灣首富》王​永慶的風水格局,靠山面水,前面的水由來自四個不同的河​流聚集在一起,風水上稱為四水朝堂, 水聚天星。


當天替好幾個顧客選福地,但就有其中一個,請我替他選地​,當然我替她選了個最好收山納水的寶穴, 但他卻不要,偏偏要最高而且有很多石頭的地點,他認為越​高越有氣派,石頭越多越美。。。看來她的福份不夠,那我​也無能為力。



I was in East Malaysia Kota Kinabalu for Feng Shui talk recently, and so I was invited from few friends to Nirvana KK for Burial Plot selection in the following day.

I got that Yin Feng Shui of Nirvana KK is one of the best in East Malaysia and the landform very similar with one of the best Yin Feng Shui in Taiwan which had produced many Billionaires / Tycoon.

The landform is perfectly set with the Strong Backup which has the Mountain behind, and 4 difference route rivers gather in the heavenly heart.

I was doing hard and with full attention to select the good Feng Shui plot. With the Water & Mountain direction in order to rise and activate the Wealth & Health among the user & family for all of my fellow friends and customers as there are many that day.

However, one of the customers was really weird who insisted on one specific location. Her selection was located at the almost peak of the mountain and quite rocky which is not idealistic if compare to others. I was tried to explain the theory to her but her mind was stand still.

From our Chinese said, not everyone have the good fate to choose a good Yin Feng Shui land & Meridian Spot; Even got a good Feng Shui land to choose but there need a Reliable Master to choose for you; Even got the good Master nevertheless you might yet to get the fate to own that Good Feng Shui land.

In conclusion, the moral of the story is that we must do good deed to get the Good Feng Shui land for the prosperity of ourselves and family.

P/S: For West Malaysia’s Yin Feng Shui wise I shall share later.


这来临的星期六(16/7),我会与NTV7一同飞往古晋,予古晋中华第一中学下午1​:30pm 与你们谈风水,论面相,古晋朋友,我们园游会见!(免费入场)

I will be flyingr to Kuching with NTV7 in this following Saturday (16/7), to share about Feng Shui and Face Reading at Chung Hua Middle School No1(1:30pm), Kuching. My beloved friend in Kuching, see you there! (Free Admission)

Feng Shui Vs Baby



1) 將之前的入口處(側門)改一改避開煞位,因方位不佳,鞋​櫥的尖角作梗,反而換了個入口處(中門)則剛好又是是旺​氣方。

2) 之前魚缸擺放於《坤方》且理氣為煞,不利妻子,改一改地​方就是另一完全不同之格局。

3) 其他。

過了不久,我老同事Teo告訴我他太太懷孕了,我也非常​高興! 在兩個星期前還到我家來坐坐,小孩很可愛,真是幸福啊~

P/S : 生小孩之事除了風水以外,夫妻本身的八字也是一個重要考​量的因素。

Nowadays, there are tremendous pressure living in Urban City, therefore many couples are having difficulty to have baby.

My friend Teo had told me that he is craving for a baby 2 years ago, moreover they had tried hard the failure is still. I have visited his house once in a blue moon for a simple assessment.

Renovation, there are no much changes but least to fine tune with Feng Shui:

1) By Changing the door entrance from Side to the main door (as the shoe cabinet had encountered with it & it affect to the Quality of Qi)

2) Relocate the Aquarium from to the current location. (because it allocated on the bad sector which bring the bad impact among ladies)

3) Others

Few months later, I got a phone called from my friend who pleased to inform me that his wife was pregnant!

Two weeks ago, he came to my home, we took some photo; the child is so cute!

P/S : Having difficulty of having baby sometime is due to bad Feng Shui but sometimes is personal Bazi issue..

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