判斷陰宅大地理之風水有五大考量: 1) 龍2)砂3)穴4)水5)向 。 今天就先談談《龍》吧!
風水上常常會出現“龍”這字,其實不是指那虛無縹緲的神獸,而“龍”主要指山脈。風水稱山為龍是因為: 山之草木=龍之毛髮, 泥土=龍之皮肉,石頭=龍之骨頭,地下水與河水=龍之血液。
The construction of Tomb is only one of the minor consideration in Yin Feng Shui but not the major factor in Feng Shui.
There are 5 important elements in Yin Feng Shui 1) Dragon, 2) Hill, 3) Meridian spot, 4) Water & 5) Direction.
Let’s start with Dragon, when we talks about Dragon it does not mean the “Real Dragon” but referring to mountain range.
Plants = hair & skin of Dragon, Soil = Flesh of Dragon, Rocks = Bone of Dragon, Water = Blood of Dragon.
The good & healthy dragon required Greenery forest but not the rocky mountain; rocky mountain is considered as Sick Dragon.
In Yin Feng Shui, “Coming Dragon” 來龍 is referring to the mountain support from the rear. The coming Dragon also determine the level of Energy is weak or strong.
A strong Coming dragon must be lively, energetic & even in the formation of ‘Thousand Soldier & horses”.
I have shared the Coming Dragon photo for your reference; But do remember,
is only one of the 5 important factors to be considered.