所有银行拍卖的房子都有風水的問題嗎?不是全部,但一半以上是! 所以大家要買的時候可要仔細觀察。。
有很多买卖房子的人都说:这房子不适合前屋主,可能适合你啊!前屋主住了破产,你住了也许大发啊~ 这般的Marketing Talk 大家可要用智慧来判断了。
Not all the Bank Lelong house are bad Feng Shui but most of them are. The one shown in the pictures was bad in Feng Shui due to the Land shape of that property.
The land shape of that property is Bigger in front and small at the back, which like Funnel shape or “Hanging/ Le neck” is very bad in Feng Shui as all the bad Qi will stuck behind the property, these will eventually course Financial & health problem.
In General, the Square and Rectangle land shape is the best as the Qi flow is table, second best is Small In front and larger behind as the shape of “Hemp Bag”. Those Funnel shape will definitely need to avoid.
Facing NW could be NW1, NW2, NW3, even if the direction shown as ‘prosperous for health & wealth” but if the land shape is bad, is still consider as bad Feng Shui.
Direction NW2乾, NW3亥, can be considered auspicious direction as Excellent for Wealth & Health in Period 8 with the condition of land shape is rectangle or square + higher ground behind.
Some Property Agents may tell you: “The previous owner stayed and bankrupt maybe the house direction is not suitable for him. This house could be suitable for you! Maybe you stay will become Millionaire? Huat Ah!”
Be careful of those marketing talk and judged wisely with Feng Shui Wisdom..