羅盤怎麼多層,你會了幾層? 全會的老師又有幾人??
There are so many layer in Luopan, a lot's of "Sifu" may only know one or two layer..( No need to be surprised about this but it's definately true)
Luo pan is use for take measurement but not to hang..
羅盤晚上不可以開!開了鬼會來?? 晚上不可以拿出來用是應為怕晚上看不清楚,害了人!別想太多了!
古人曰﹕ 羅經保羅萬象﹐經綸天地鬼神﹗言中而所指的“鬼神”其實是指“吉凶”之意。但很多人卻斷章取義,以為是可以劈邪!?
Feng Shui Compass (Luopan) is not the religious object! If the shop required religious blessing , definitely not to use the compass. If the shop required improvement of Feng Shui, use the Luopan to measure but not hanging on the door.
Feng Shui compass is just a compass with indication of Formula, hanging a compass on top of Door is totally have no meaning in Feng Shui but Decoration.
Some says not to take out the Luopan at night, >> it is because reading Luopan at night could lead to mistake due to the brightness . ( Nothing to do with Ghost..)
Some says the Luopan need to have chanting by Sifu, >> that is because some Sifu want to sell the Luopan at higher price.
Remember Feng Shui Compass is just a compass, use it wisely by learning how to take direction & make use of the formula to identify the quality of Qi but not hanging them for “Gaya” ~
BTW I have no objection if anyone decorate the house with Luo Pan... It's quite a beautiful art, but do remember it's purely decoration..