我朋友告訴我這種情形叫“爭出位” & “搶鏡頭” ﹗我那朋友非常不解為何有性格如此低略之人﹐因為那“某第三線” 藝人表面看起來八面玲瓏﹐可真沒想到用如此小伎倆﹗
我說﹐看那 ”某人” 的眼睛﹐就是那種陳腐很深之人﹗只是你沒注意吧了﹗怎麼看﹖﹖
1) 此人雙目陰沉﹐不笑時讓人感觉陰深。
2) 此人單眼皮﹐一般代表比較性情內練﹐情感不露于聲色。
3) 此人雙目看東西時﹐會定點在一處很久﹐其實內心在打注意﹗
4) 此人鼻头无肉,鼻孔朝天﹐氣色昏暗﹐明顯是無財氣之人﹐但又駕馬賽地S﹐好象就是在撐﹗(鼻头无肉之人乃心恨手辣之辈)
其實單眼皮不一定是小人﹐但是雙目看東西 時“定點很久”或不用正眼看人才算符合小人之格﹗大家看到這樣的人可要提防噢﹗
I was in NTV7 to visit my friend during their shooting session; it was the “Cooking Show” & I notice a funny story : - Story begin with the “Third Grade Artist”…
My friend was originally arrange by the Director of the Program to stand in the center of the stage with consideration of the Seniority & Popularity, but somehow during the actual shooting , this “Third Grade Artist” was suddenly occupied the Center cooking desk in order to get the better angle in TV..
My friend was shook on and can’t believe as he told me that guys seems like a nice guy…
I respond told my friend: “No, he is definately not a simple person, his Face has written very clearly that he is very cunning!
I shared the technique on how to see this “Cunning face 小人脸”
1) His eyes are looks very “Yin” when not smile
2) Single eyelid, this denotes the person is good in keeping his actual emotion.
3) The eye focus will stay still or looking on other direction while listening to others.(not seeing the person in direct)
4) That person’s Nose is obviously not wealthy as the nostril are obviously seen from the front, but he is driving Mercedes S Class (old version) , that denote he like to “Act class”
5) Nose tip is totally not fleshy denotes this guy is "Toxic in heart"
Not all Single Eyelid person are cunning but with the overall combination stated above.
My friend actually doesn’t really care about that “cunning guy”, but we treat this as joke & case study. After the shooting we went for Makan (dinner) ~
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