古時有所謂的前人種樹,後人乘涼。而在現今的時代,後人在坟墓旁边种一顆大樹為先人乘涼以及自己在掃墓時乘涼已經是習以為常的情景。然而大家卻沒有察覺,這樣的做法其實是容易犯上陰宅風水上的大忌 –穿心煞。
1. 雖然墳墓為陰,但所謂一陰一陽之道,陰宅風水中也必須調和其陰陽。因此若墳墓長期在大樹底下不見太陽,就會造成過陰並陰陽不諧調的問題。
2. 在外觀看來,墳墓在大樹下似乎沒有什麼問題,不過若觀察土裡的情況,強而有力的樹根會將棺材給穿破,嚴重的話甚至會將先人的骨骸纏繞,屬風水上的穿心煞,為大凶。對子孫的健康與運勢產生重大的影響。
有關陰宅風水更多的解析,可鎖定八度空間8TV清明節特備節目《陰宅揭秘》,時間是在2/4/2011 星期六,下午3.30pm于八度空間8TV。
We always heard “Plant pears for your heirs.” As many people think that planting a tree on top of Ancestor Tomb is to have shade for the descendents. It can true for descendents during Qing Ming Festival when cleaning the tomb under the sun. But many of us do not realized that planting a tree right beside the tomb is actually bad in Yin Feng Shui.
1. The Balance of Yin and Yang. Graveyard is about Yin energy, therefore if a tomb is fully covered by a big tree, the Yang energy (the sun) would not be able to reconcile with the Yin Energy. The imbalance of Yin and Yang will bring negative impact to the descendents.
2. From the surface of the tomb itself with tree beside, it looks fine with the plant. However, we will never know the way of the root grow and it might perforate over the coffin and twist around the ancestor’s body. In Yin Feng Shui, we called it Heart Piercing Sha.
If you want to know more about Yin Feng Shui. Tune in to 8TV Qing Ming Special on 2/4/2011 Saturday at 3.30pm. I shall share more about the Yin Feng Shui with everyone.
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