Monday, January 21, 2013

剖腹生子 Pt.2


其實,人生沒有滿分,能拿到70、80 分的良辰吉日把寶寶生下來已經是天大的福氣了。需知道並不是每個寶寶都有皇帝命,也沒有那麼多BILL GATES,再說人生也沒十全十美。能夠在所提供的其中一個好日子來到這個世界就很不錯了,畢竟有太多的客觀因素會影響生產時間如產婦身體狀況、醫生時間及突發事件等等。


其實說真的,為準媽媽們挑選一個好的良辰吉日並且能夠順利拿到其中一個好日子讓寶寶出世就是一種福氣。每當看到媽媽們在事後發給我寶寶的照片, 我都覺得有無限的光榮和滿足感。我們不要20-30分的人生,但也不要100分的人生,因為100分的人生就等於沒有進步空間,也不切實際。70-80分的人生才是最精彩的,你們覺得不是嗎?

In year 2012 through aplenty cases of “Date Selection for Caesarean” under the suggestion of Doctors, we found out that most of the pregnant women are nervous that they couldn’t give birth on “first choice” of auspicious time, or failed to meet the schedule availability of doctor to do so. As an alternative they gave birth on “second or third choice” of auspicious time which worried them.

As a matter of fact, being able to give birth on the auspicious date and time with the score of 70, 80 marks is still the greatest blessing for the baby; there isn’t any perfect life, not every baby is destined an emperor life, there is also only one Bill Gates. We need not to give birth on “perfect” date and time that score 100 marks; after all there are various dependence variables that might affect the outcome, such as maternal body condition, doctor availability, sudden emergencies and most importantly is the safety of mother and child.

Pregnant women felt anxious easily, even after gave birth they still inquiry the auspiciousness for date and time of birth. Hence I always tell my team that 10 months of pregnancy is a difficult task, treat every maternal with extra patience as baby is what matters most for them. I think we must pay extra, patience, tolerance and understanding towards the pregnant lady.

Being able to select an auspicious date and time of childbirth for every ready-to-be mother, no doubt this is the biggest wish and gift for both maternal and baby. I felt honor whenever I received photo of baby that sent by every dearest mother. This is also my greatest satisfaction.

Honestly. we do not want the life (Bazi) that scores only 20-30, however a perfect of score 100 is actually not perfect as there isn’t any improvement left in it and it is unrealistic to think so. Life that scores 70-80 is the most exciting and challenging. Happiness lies in contentment; don’t you think so?

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